Yes, I know you’ve heard it before … you’re worthy as you are, right now, right here.
But you don’t believe it.
In fact you don’t believe you’re worthy of love + belonging just as you are.
You’ve been living by made up rules that promise worthiness:
- you must be accomplished
- you must be a certain size
- you must be beautiful (damn wrinkles and gray hair)
- you must be the ultimate step-mom
- you must be the perfect date
- you must make $$$
- you must have the perfect job
- you must look perfect
- you must look to have everything under control
- you must be perfect so you can be worthy
But those rules never deliver on their promise, do they?
Instead, the shame inside of you festers and continues to grow driving you further and further away from your own worthiness.
So, what do you do with all this unworthiness?
🥺 Eat ice cream!
Eat three bowls like I used to. Why not, it’s the first step to beating the hell out of yourself.
🥺 Numb out on your Instagram feed, looking at all those people who do have worthy lives.
Okay that only makes you feel worse.
🥺 Get really, really busy overworking so you can feel “accomplished.”
Except you are now exhausted and loathing yourself even more.
I get it, you tried to distract yourself from feeling unworthy. But as you can see it doesn’t work.
What can you do instead?
- Dump your worthy rules. They’re only creating pain + unnecessary suffering.
- Remind yourself this quest for perfection is not working. How do you know this? Check in with yourself. Do you feel worthy on your quest for perfection?
- Tell yourself 10 x a day “I am worthy of love + belonging.” It’s time to fill your mind up with this phrase and take space over the voices of those self-hating stories you fill your brain up with daily.
If you want to feel worthy you, must stop with the list of never measuring up and instead remind yourself over and over and over and over again you are worthy right here, right now.
You will be astonished at the change you see in yourself.

P.S. Besides shame, there are 2 other obstacles that get in your way of worthiness. Grab this DIY digital workshop to find out what they are and how to overcome those obstacles. It’s totally doable. CLICK HERE