You believe you must do better.
You believe you must be better.
STOP right now.
Did you know we are hardwired to grow?
Let’s look at babies.
They live the life of luxury.
👶 A baby cries and gets fed.
👶 A baby pees/poops and gets changed.
👶 A baby gets carried and swaddled.
👶 A baby gets constantly picked up and moved.
👶 A baby starts to want to do things on their own…sit, crawl, stand and then walk.
We are naturally made to grow + evolve to the next version of ourselves.
Babies don’t say “I never want to walk because I love being carried around.”
NO!!! Instead they squirm and get themselves down to practice walking.
They love themselves and are glowing with pride when they learn new skills.
Be curious about your life…like a baby who is curious.
Grow and learn from a place of curiosity not a place to prove yourself.
As adults we beat ourselves into doing better + being better because we are hustling for our worthiness.
This hustle is because we are trying to outrun the shame we are feeling.
This is an exhausting way to evolve.
Instead we need to be like babies.
Be curious, loving + proud of ourselves.
You will evolve into your next version of yourself and it’s a way better way than hustling.

P.S. Want a push towards evolving to the next version of yourself? Check out my Dare to Lead™ group coaching program. Click here!