My client used busy as a status symbol for happiness.
If she was busy, she thought, she could prove to others she was worthy … and therefore would be happy.
Sure, busy fills up that vulnerable white space we covet, but are so afraid of because we are then alone with ourselves.
If you don’t like yourself …white space isn’t a pleasant space to be in.
It’s much “easier” to fill the space with busy so you don’t feel or have to manage your mindset.
If you’ve been taught you must be busy in order to be worthy, you will create an insane schedule to hustle for your worthiness.
I used to do both…These days I don’t use busy to measure happiness.
I like being with myself.
I enjoy my company.
I realize I need down time.
I’m comfortable doing nothing.
I appreciate the space to think, reflect and feel my feelings.
Instead of being busy…I prefer to be a deliberate creator of my life, to choose where I spend my energy and focus.
Instead of being busy…I feel happy because I have the space to actually feel my feelings.
Stop using “busy” to measure your happiness.
Instead, just be happy.
P.S. if you have trouble stepping away from being busy, try upping your confidence. Click here to get my new course, Grounded Confidence.