Kelly Rae Roberts is a possibilitarian. She is an artist, author, businesswoman + most importantly wife and mother.
From social worker to licensed artist selling $14 million retail in just under 3 years. She believes we get to make the rules, that we get to choose, that we get to craft the exact life that has been waiting for us. And when we do, we become fully alive. She also believes that we are meant for the complicated journeys of brokenness and wholeness, vulnerability and courage, wisdom and silliness.
Kelly Rae talks about her journey: her best + worst mistakes, her tips, and lots of true stories about what it is like to start, grow and nurture a successful creative business.
“Am I being brave with my life?”
~ Kelly Rae Roberts, on How She Really Does It
In this interview we discuss:
- Social worker –> artist by small steps
- Doing things you never thought you could + the impact on your life
- Imposter syndrome + gremlin stories
- Strange inner callings that made no sense + allowing for space to listen + create
- Developing faith + trust
- Doing things you are afraid to do
- Vulnerability with putting your work out into the world
- Two takeaways – for listeners to practice trust + faith as you create your right life.
Mentioned in this Podcast
- Providence quote Kelly Rae mentioned in the interview: “…the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no (human) could have dreamed would come his way.” -Goethe
- All things Kelly Rae ~ website, store, blog, social media
- Cards + my first Kelly Rae Roberter art piece from my loving clients
- Kristin Neff interview about compassion ~ “Compassionate people have boundaries”
- Peter Walsh interview ~ key to succes is to absolutely COMMIT + reevaluate every 6 months