I know better.
I don’t even use the word PERFECT in my daily vocabulary.
I notice it when other people use the word.
I remember the impossible standards I created with that word.
I let it go…..
But perfectionism is sneaky.
While I own my entire me.
While I am my authentic + messy self.
There are ways I’ve noticed perfectionism sneaking into my life.
A few weeks ago I was going to the airport to pick up my husband.
I had timed it out so I wouldn’t waste time and could maximize my trip.
I live in a small town with a Costco in the next town that’s on the way to the airport.
Work in the morning to get things out of the way.
Go to Costco to buy the cheap gas … yes this is a big value of mine.
Then run into the store to grab a few items of necessity that wouldn’t mind the additional 45 minutes in the car until we were home.
I was cutting it close.
Just one more thing I could get done at work…sound familiar?
But don’t worry, I was watching a flight tracking website and could time my airport pick up well. I am a swim coach after all and I know the importance of seconds …
As I headed out to the garage to get in my car for this carefully timed and planned trip (another way to say perfect, without using that word) I remembered the paper bags in my kitchen.
I needed to go back and get them.
Because I don’t want to be inefficient.
Also, I didn’t want to leave them on the kitchen island and be messy.
(Can you see the sneakiness of perfectionism in my brain?)
The amount of brain juice I was using over paper bags that morning was high.
And it was all because I was trying to perfectly use my time.
I just hid the word with efficient, productive + not wasting time.
Sounds good, right?
When really, I was trying to be perfect.
Upon realizing this … I gave myself permission to leave the empty grocery bags in the kitchen.
I went to Costco to get gas and let go of a stressful run into Costco for the few items.
Instead, I picked up my husband on time and together, we went to Costco and eventually home.
Not perfect … but so much better and my stress was greatly reduced.
The next time you notice perfectionism sneaking around in your brain.
Be compassionate with yourself by giving yourself permission to not do it perfectly.
Instead live your life without absolute efficiency + productivity.
After all you do get to be the LEADER OF YOUR LIFE.

P.S. Speaking of leading your life, I recently passed a milestone in my own podcast. I’d love it if you celebrated with me by subscribing in Apple Podcasts and leaving a rating and review!