OMG! Exciting news!
Recently I celebrated a significant event in my life (keep reading so you can see how that affects you).
14 years of my show.
More importantly….what I am really celebrating was by starting this show in 2006, I finally listened to that voice in the back of my head.
- “Koren, there’s a better way.”
- “Koren, you’ve settled in your life…you want more.”
Of course I had the other voice in my head battling back.
- “This is as good as it gets, accept it Koren!”
- “Be more grateful for how good you have it. Others would love what you have!”
- “Who do you think you are to want more? You must be responsible.”
14 years ago, I started my show HOW SHE REALLY DOES IT: the place where inspiration + possibility meet.
It didn’t make sense.
It was a small step on the outside….but a big one inside of me.
I listened to me.
I did what I craved.
I pursued it despite my fear of other people’s judgement.
I never imagined by saying YES to the little voice inside, would lead me to this INCREDIBLE LIFE today (and yes there are still shitshows everywhere). 🤷
But I didn’t do it alone!
I would not be here today, if it weren’t for those who supported my dream, especially on the days I didn’t believe in it or me.
In 2006, for the first time in my life, I was surrounded by women who supported, encouraged, and did work to help me with my show.
They helped me rise.
These phenomenal women gave me the permission I couldn’t give myself – they let me take up space in my world + shine.
The reason I can write this to you today…is because I:
- Listened to the voice inside of me.
- Had a strong support team.
- Didn’t listen to the fear of other people’s judgements.
- Had lots of deadlines (accountability) – pitching the show, interviewing guests, and broadcasting a show for you each Friday!
On the outside it may have looked like I did it all by myself…what an illusion!
I could not have done it alone.
Sure I had commitment and drive.
But to be here 14 years later, with all the ups and downs of life, I’ve leaned on many.
Dreams aren’t achieved by yourself.
We all need a community that supports us, a way to hold us accountable. And for someone to believe in us, when we are struggling to believe in ourselves.
Stop going it alone!
It’s time for you to go after your dreams.
Stop telling yourself your dreams are selfish.
By giving myself permission to do what I want…I’ve been able to help sooo many people.
We’ve been fooled into believing that we must sacrifice ourselves for the betterment of others.
If this is possible for me….WHAT IS POSSIBLE FOR YOU???
Thank you for being a part of this community!
Smiling big for what is possible for you,

P.S. If you want a community to support you and hold you accountable so you can pursue your dreams – JOIN my upcoming group coaching program. We will RISE up together.
P.P.S. Are you all in on yourself and ready to APPLY right now – CLICK HERE to apply. Applying does not guarantee that you’ll be accepted – and it doesn’t “lock you in” or “require” you to participate. It’s the first step in the process. Go for it!