One thing about being an approval whore … you are seeking out someone else to do your job.
You want others to believe in you.
Because you believe … if they approve of you … they can see how capable you are and then believe in you.
Then you don’t have to believe in you.
The problem with this …
You still aren’t believing in you.
It’s your job to believe in YOU.
For you to create the results you want, you must believe in YOU.
Besides, who are they really believing in when you are selling yourself out to get someone to like you.
They aren’t liking you. NOPE they are liking who you think they want you to be.
Big difference.
They aren’t believing in YOU … they are believing in what they see.
Show them who you really are…
It’s time for you to believe in YOU.
I realize this is vulnerable.
And of course it is hard + challenging.
You believing in you is your full-time job.
No outsourcing it out.
Instead of trying to get others to approve and believe in you … use your energy to focus on believing in you.
Start by owning what you are good at.
Own your flaws.
We all have flaws.
Remember … you don’t have to be perfect to believe in yourself.
It’s about knowing you can have both strengths and flaws and still create the results you want.
Now go on and believe in YOU.
It’s your big job and you can do it!
P.S. If you’re not sure how to start believing in YOU, you’re not alone! My Becoming ENOUGH workshop is made with you in mind and it will teach you what’s getting in your way of believing in yourself and feeling like you are enough. Get it here.