It’s uncomfortable.
It’s painful.
All you want to do is get rid of it.
You do that by complaining.
You find short-term relief by letting it out.
By complaining, you’re offloading your pain onto someone else.
It feels good … kind of like throwing up after a big ole’ tummy ache.
But afterwards … after throwing up, you feel exhausted.
Same thing with complaining …
At first you may think there’s a benefit to complaining, you get rid of the pain.
But there’s a huge cost to complaining.
You bring draining energy to your relationships whether at work or at home.
You indulge in all the negatives + are focused on what you don’t want.
You don’t create change.
You don’t get the results you want.
You begin to use all of this as evidence that you really can’t have what you want.
You are so focused on your complaining you don’t ever solve your problem.
Eventually those around you get tired of your complaining + stop listening.
Your people stop trying to help you.
Complaining is focused on what you don’t want.
It’s not solutions oriented.
It keeps you stuck.
Is that where you want to be, stuck, miserable and exhausted?
Instead look at the problem as an obstacle.
Remind yourself that you are made to overcome obstacles.
Yes you are, even as a baby you learned to walk by overcoming a lot of obstacles.
Overcoming your obstacles
Focus on the solution you are working towards.
You will fall down.
You will face tremendous struggles.
You will want to complain, as that’s the easy thing to do.
You will stop yourself and regain focus on the solution you are working towards.
You will remind yourself that through discomfort comes huge growth.
And just as a baby learns to walk, you’ll create a solution to your obstacle.
And just like when a baby beams with pride by overcoming and learning, you will too!
It’s worth it to stop complaining and instead focus on where you are going.
Being able to overcome obstacles starts with your mindset. The Mindset Workshop is happening this week, join us.