Self-doubt is a door slammer.
Before Sheri (name has been changed) began working with me, she was the queen of indulgent mental drama.
But on the outside she didn’t look like someone who was full of self-doubt.
She had the fancy IVY League diplomas from both undergrad and grad school.
She the letters at the end of her name.
She commanded a shit ton of money for her work.
She was married to a fantastic husband who was her biggest fan and number one supporter, and had a darling daughter that she loved.
On the outside, it looked like she had it all and had accomplished enough to finally feel worthy.
On the inside? She felt like a FRAUD.
She constantly asked herself Can I do this? Really, can I do this? How do I do this? What am I missing?
Those crappy questions didn’t lead her to worthiness. Instead they opened the doorway to a bigger shit storm in her mind. If she wanted to stop the shit storms, she had to change the quality of the questions she asked herself.
She had to get to a place of living + believing from a place of “I am ENOUGH.”
From this place of ENOUGH, Sheri now asks herself better questions that lead her to the outcome she wants. Her favorite question to ask herself, when she faces uncertainty + doubt:
What decisions can I make today that will allow me to feel proud tomorrow?
She loves that question because it challenges her, by having her explore new possibilities, it draws her creative juices and removes the limitations of her mindset.
You can do this too.

P.S. You can now get on the waitlist for my upcoming Dare to Lead group to get exclusive early access to the program. CLICK HERE!