I used to be an energy vampire.
I was not nice to me.
In fact, I was filled with quite a bit of self-hatred and shame.
Not great energy to have.
My solution was to get other people’s energy to fuel myself.
I found nice friends.
In fact, I had a collection of nice people in my life.
When I was filled with self-hatred and shame I would go to my friend and suck the niceness into me.
When I wanted LOVE but didn’t know how to give myself self-love, I sought out my friends who would provide lots of LOVE in our space.
I would suck the LOVE out of that space.
Being an energy vampire was a good solution for many years.
Except others became drained from my sucking their energy.
They would give me KINDNESS or LOVE and I would leave a wasteland of emotions.
Not a fair trade for my friends.
And for me … the energy of others did not last long.
So off to find my next victim I would go to refuel me.
There had to be a better way.
And I found a better way to get better energy.
It started with me.
I had to fill myself up with kindness.
It was my job to be kind to me.
It was up to me to be my own best friend.
And when I made mistakes, I would be kind to me the way my best friend would treat me.
From here I realized …. oh and it’s my job to LOVE me.
I started to LOVE me … unconditionally.
I chose to LOVE me … all of me: the beauty, the flaws, my strengths, my weaknesses … all of me.
I gave myself permission to LOVE me.
It was my choice.
It was less draining to fill myself up with energy rather than seeking out and sucking out the energy of others.
Filling yourself up with LOVE is more sustainable than being an energy vampire and sucking love out of others.

P.S. If you want more about identifying and changing our own “energy vampire” tendencies, check out this podcast I created.