I know … you were taught differently about LOVE.
To be worthy of love you were taught to:
- Have high standards for yourself.
- Excel.
- Achieve and finally be worthy of love.
You also learned to beat yourself up when you didn’t achieve, to drive yourself to finally achieving.
You believed that if you are critical of yourself … you’ll finally shape up + be better.
How’s it working for you?
My hunch is not well. Lots of pain + misery …
Here’s the truth … you can keep your high standards.
And it’s awesome that you want to excel … we are made to continue to grow and stretch our abilities.
But stop the self-beatings.
Stop the self-criticism.
This does not work.
It does not lead to long lasting achievement.
Self-beatings + self-criticisms lead to self-hatred, not self-love.
Instead you are leading yourself to the swampland of never being _______ ENOUGH.
This is dialing up the feeling of SHAME deep inside of you.
Shame is not the pathway to LOVE.
More shame does not equal more love.
In fact … more shame leads to more self-hatred.
But you want more LOVE, right?
So have your high standards + drive to excel.
Here’s the boundary: regardless of whether you achieve or not …
You CHOOSE to LOVE you … no self-beatings allowed!
Sometimes you will blow your mind as you achieve + sometimes you will fail.
Your achievements and failures do NOT determine your worthiness of being LOVED.
You are already worthy of LOVE.Now go out and achieve by learning, growing + challenging yourself in this one wild + precious life we all get to experience and LOVE yourself while doing it!
P.S. Let’s hang out. My favorite place right now? Click here.