What is success?
What do you know for sure?
What are your values?
What are your priorities?
My friend … it’s your job to answer these questions.
I realize this may be news to you.
You’ve let others define it for you.
Your parents.
Your friends.
Your mentors.
Your school.
No one gets to write your story.
It’s your job to write it and live it.
The alternative sucks – you let others write your story and you live it.
When you live by other people’s rules … you are creating prison walls for yourself + it’s suffocating.
Your are imprisoned by:
- What others think success should be for you.
- What others think they know for sure.
- Other people’s values.
- Other people’s priorities.
When you live inside these rules you are not living your life. You are living someone else’s version of life.
Instead, it’s time for you to become the writer of your story.
Answer these questions:
- What is success?
- What do you know for sure?
- What are your values?
- What are your priorities?
There is NOT a right answer.
Give yourself permission to learn and make mistakes.
Test out the answers in your life.
Tweak them.
Rewrite them.
Adjust them so you can eventually live in alignment with what’s inside of you.
Remember no one gets to write your story.
Writing your story is your job!
Now go do it.

P.S. Need help writing your story? Use the 4-step process in the Mindset Journal. Click here to order your copy.