You want to enjoy your life outside of work, but your work is taking over your life.
Did you know all jobs have delightful attributes as well as obstacles to overcome?
Yes, there are obstacles.
Yes, your job is to overcome them, not flee from them to another job.
Here’s the thing my friend. The obstacles will show up at another job.
The people you can’t stand, they’ll be at the next job, just with a different face + name.
Do the obstacles below sound familiar?
- There’s not enough time.
- There’s too much to do.
- Your colleagues don’t respect your boundaries.
The obstacles + people are your teachers.
They are your learning opportunity on how to become less reactionary and create boundaries so you can do your best work.
You can lose focus, and complain about the problems.
You can hate on the people.
Or, you can learn to overcome the obstacles + the difficult people.
You choose to allow where your time is spent, really you do.
By focusing on the complaining and what you don’t like, you are eating up a bunch of your time.
By believing your colleagues need to be different than they are, you are indulging in “what is not” instead of focusing on the work you do and want to get done.
Stop letting work take over your life.
Manage what you focus on … the problems or the solutions.
Create boundaries that support you and allow you the space to do excellent work.
Allow people to be themselves. You don’t have any control over them, only how you let them affect your mindset and therefore your energy.
Enforce your boundaries, by teaching people how to treat you.
These seemingly small steps are big influences for you to take back your life + do work that matters to you!
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