I bet you could write a long list of all the reasons you’re not worthy.
Don’t do it.
That list will only create SHAME.
Shame WILL NOT lead to you feeling better about yourself, only worse.
Your truth is this: you are worthy right here, right now.
“Worthy” does not mean you’re without flaws.
Instead, you are worthy despite your imperfections.
Believing you are worthy is a choice you get to make.
People who believe they are worthy of love and belonging simply believe it. They don’t make more money, they don’t have fewer struggles, they don’t have fewer divorces, they don’t have fewer failures, and they don’t have fewer traumas in their lives.
They simply believe they are worthy.
Isn’t it time for you to cultivate your own beliefs worthiness right here, right now … and to let go of that damn list of the lies of your unworthiness?
Say it with me right now:
I am worthy.
I am worthy right here, right now.
I am worthy of love + belonging.
Keep on saying it and believing it. You are indeed worthy.