You want the guaranteed outcome.
We all do.
Then you can eliminate risk.
You will be productive + efficient.
You will know you made the right choice.
You won’t lose face and have to deal with that awful feeling of SHAME.
Sounds lovely.
My friend, it’s a big fat lie.
There is NO guaranteed outcome.
It’s through the journey of mistakes, risk, letting go, uncertainty, and overcoming your emotions that you have the chance to create the results you want.
I realize this isn’t what you wanted to hear.
You wanted the pathway of being perfect, no mistakes, no emotions, and the guarantee of your time and energy not being wasted.
That, my friend, is a straight jacket that actually limits you.
The growth, learning opportunities, and beauty START with those messy + fallen down moments … it STARTS with you coming out of them.
Without any guarantee that you will be able to create it, be committed to the best case scenario that can cultivate what you want:
- A loving relationship with yourself
- Loving connection with the people who matter to you
- Meaningful work and purpose
The pathway to all these things is vulnerability (uncertainty, emotional exposure + risk).
While uncomfortable, those who are willing to be vulnerable and get on the other side of the pain + discomfort of living in a straight jacket become free to cultivate loving relationships and meaningful work.

P.S. Ready to practice vulnerability? Click here to learn how you can work with me.