When my clients first come to me, they think it’s because of their circumstances – the job, the relationship, the money, the weight.
But really, it comes down to the stories they tell themselves.
My amazing, smart, brilliant, beautiful, strong, and capable clients come to me with the stories of not being enough. You know … smart enough, strong enough, beautiful enough, capable enough …
The ironic thing? They’ve worked a lifetime to achieve and control everything … in order to finally feel enough.
Yet despite all of this, they don’t feel enough. They don’t believe they are ENOUGH.
They are trying to fix their insides with the stuff on the outside and they are exhausted from running on the hamster wheel of this thing called life.
Many people think that being a life coach means I tell people what to do.
That’s quite the opposite. In fact, my brilliant client last week was kind of begging me as she said “Koren, please just tell me what to do!”
Instead, what I do is help my clients get clear about the lies they are telling themselves, as well as the truth of their story.
These true stories are not some kind of fantasyland where you live happily ever after and everything’s perfect.
In fact these stories can be painful when we own our weaknesses alongside our strengths. We love our strengths but want to run from our weaknesses, which is impossible.
What I help my clients do is tell their true stories and love themselves as they own their whole messy and lovable self while creating the life they so desire.
Can you own your true story + love yourself in the process? It’s one of the bravest things you will do and one of the most empowering steps to cultivating the life your heart hungers for.
Ready to find out?