We are story making creatures.
Our brain is neuro-biologically wired for stories.
In the white space of not knowing … our brain creates a story.
Usually the stories we tell ourselves create prison walls + keep us away from the possibilities for our lives.
My client Natalie had one of those stories.
She works in Bio Tech.
When she came to me she was upset with her job.
The story she told herself was that she could not advance further in her career.
Unlike many of her colleagues who had PhDs, she only had a bachelors degree.
She believed this limited her ability to move up in her career.
Since she couldn’t move up in her career she fantasized about moving to France and becoming an artist.
This was her way of fleeing from her problem.
This was her way of creating a dream for herself.
It was also a way for her to create another prison wall to show her .. . “see you can’t really have what you want.”
I challenged her on that belief – if it was true?
I asked her what she really wanted.
She really wanted:
- To stay in her field.
- More leadership opportunities.
Then she started to
- Own what she was good at + the value that created for her company.
- Believe in herself regardless of the letters after her name.
- Explore other companies.
She found an opening at a rival company.
She was so excited.
She was a good fit.
She applied.
An obstacle showed up as it does when one pursues their goals.
The other company has an agreement with her company to not “poach” employees.
She was out.
She was no longer a candidate.
She was devastated.
I challenged this company policy with her.
Were there really “no exceptions?”
As it later turned out the two CEOs met on the matter of hiring her.
Her current company did not have a spot for her to move up and continue to grow.
The new company needed her skillset and the CEO was a former employee of her current company.
They agreed to an exception so she could be hired.
Since then she’s been promoted and earned a couple of raises.
It started with stories she told herself.
Often those stories are lies told honestly.
Natalie really believed them.
She had to really look at them and question their truth.
She had to let go of those stories.
She was then able to fully show up at work.
She was able to pursue her goals.
She was able to exceed her dreams.
She now travels to Europe on a frequent basis for work and has extended her work trips to include some fun.
P.S. Ready to stop telling yourself lies… click here to apply for coaching with me.