If you’ve ever pursued a goal of any type, you’ve likely found yourself up against some obstacles that temporarily stopped you from achieving your desired results. These obstacles can lead to you going against your own values and prevent you from showing up authentically.
How you think about things can impact the action you take towards your goals. Changing your thoughts requires practice, and with this practice, you can create new habits and behaviors that become part of your way of being.
When you have a framework that you practice repeatedly, it gives you the freedom and ability to be proactive instead of reactive. Cultivating a growth mindset helps you overcome the lies you’re telling yourself and create new beliefs to commit to.
I invite you to think back to a time in your life when you thought something was impossible, yet you eventually achieved it. How does it feel now? Remember, we are capable and we are able to learn. We can do hard things.
Tune in this week as I share four common obstacles people face when working towards achieving a goal, and four ways to reframe these beliefs to better serve you. I’m showing you why being curious will always lead to growth and why there’s no right or wrong way to do something, only your way.
- The difference between fixed and growth mindset.
- What you need to remember when pursuing your goals.
- How to overcome your own beliefs.
- Why perfectionist beliefs and ideals can be harmful.
- The problem with all or nothing thinking.
- How to achieve big results.
- Mindset Journal
- Download the Mindset Practice Workbook + Feelings Menu
- Free guide: Commit to these new beliefs