Recently, I was hiking along the beautiful Amalfi Coast.
Actually, I was hiking alongside a cliff.
There were lots of rocks and rubble.
The interesting thing was that the paths most walked were well-worn and also the most slippery + dangerous.
This is a great metaphor for life.
How often are the paths most walked by others also the most slippery + dangerous in your own life?
A simple example is a restaurant in my hometown.
Lots of people go to this particular restaurant, all the time.
It has a fantastic patio.
I want to go there, too!
BUT … the food is never good.
I realize this is not dangerous on the surface.
But this can lead to mind fuckery in one’s brain.
It can become a differentiator that triggers shame.
Then it becomes dangerous.
Because the stories it creates are:
- Why am I different?
- Why am I being so difficult?
- Why can’t I fit in like the others who seem to be enjoying themselves?
- What’s wrong with me?
Instead I must remind myself that while others may “like” this restaurant, I don’t enjoy the food.
For me this restaurant represents why the well-worn path is slippery + dangerous, because it triggers a downward spiral by tempting me not to be true to myself.
My hike along the Amalfi Coast was a great teacher of an important concept.
I’m counter-culture.
If you’re new to my world, that means I go against the flow of everybody and tune into my personal truth and values.
When it feels safe because everyone is “doing it”– I start to get alarmed.
It’s so easy to go with the flow and follow others.
However, this is when I know danger can strike.
The path is slippery and dangerous.
Instead of beating myself up for not following others, I choose to be the leader of my life.
P.S. Don’t slip in the obvious places. Tune into your personal truth.