Do you overindulge in the drama of your life?
When a friend calls, do you start the conversation with what’s not going well?
Most people live in the swampland of shame, because they don’t know any better.
Instead of focusing on where they want to go, they talk about how horrible it is to live in the swampland. Over and over and over again.
And when that friend gets tired of listening, they’ll find someone else willing to indulge in the drama with them.
They feel “safe” in this swampland. While they may be miserable, at least they know what to expect. They understand the pitfalls. They’re actually comfortable in the suckiness.
Imagine living a life where you aren’t weighed down by shame.
A life of liking and respecting yourself. A life of loving relationships. A life filled with joy, laughter, and love. A life where you love your work.
Imagine a life where you feel good about yourself, and this one precious moment you’re living in.
Yes, that’s possible. Take that first step, then the next, then the next out of the swampland. There is joy, laughter and love out there beyond … come check it out.