You’ve been told, “Be perfect and you’ll be safe.”
Our culture promotes “Be perfect to be loved.”
We’ve been lied to.
Perfection is not the path to love + belonging.
When you are trying to be perfect you are actually cultivating a persona of who you think you’re supposed to be — based on who others want you to be — instead of you being you.
Keeping this persona going is exhausting.
You have to constantly remember to be this persona, instead of being you.
It takes a lot of energy.
The irony is that perfection triggers shame because you believe you have to act, look and be perfect in order to belong.
But you aren’t belonging, you’re fitting in by attempting to become someone you’re not.
By not being you, you’re always hustling for your worthiness.
Stop trying to do things perfectly.
Stop trying to be perfect.
Stop trying to look perfect.
Because when you do this, you miss out on the most important thing.
When you are trying to be someone you’re not, the subtle message you’re telling yourself is that you aren’t ENOUGH.
Stop hurting yourself.
Let us see you.
You have so much to offer.
You don’t have to be perfect to be amazing.
You are amazing as you are right now.

P.S. Ready to leave the cult of perfectionism? Apply for coaching with me.