… but I secretly read People.
I sneak peaks of the titles while standing in line at the grocery store.
I sneak reads of the articles while visiting my dentist.
I want to be a person who reads the New Yorker as I want to be perceived as being intelligent and well-read.
I don’t want to be known for reading People magazine as it does not create a perception of being intelligent and well-read.
I had so much shame for my desire to read People magazine.
Until I realized I can like both highbrow reading + lowbrow reading.
My highbrow reading comes in the place of non-fiction books and some articles I read online.
My lowbrow reading had been at the dentist office or grocery store line. Sneaking peaks.
Instead of hiding and sneaking around. I own my entire story of what I read and like.
Finally a few months ago … I gave myself permission to have some meaningless reading in my life at home.
I ordered a subscription to People magazine.
I’ll continue to read my non-fiction books and some articles.
And at times when my brain needs a break, I’ll enjoy my home delivered People magazine.
Take notice of what you are trying to hide from yourself and others because you don’t want to be perceived negatively. Instead, own all of what you like and give yourself permission to enjoy it.

P.S. Click here to download your free Permission Reminders worksheet!