Did you ever stop to think “does my self-hatred help me get to self-love?”
My friend, it doesn’t.
Culturally, it’s acceptable to be self-critical … and even self-deprecating.
But to be proud of oneself? Never. Not allowed.
Self-hatred starts in small, seemingly benign steps …
- self- criticism
- self-deprecation
Those two small steps lead to self-hatred, not to a better YOU.
When we start there, we only see our flaws and none of the beauty, the strength of who we are and what we have to offer others.
Self-hatred is not the path to having a fantastic relationship with yourself.
Self-hatred is a great way to start numbing with food, alcohol, work, Netflix …
Eventually self-hatred leads to an exhausting life.
There’s a better way to live this one precious life of yours.
It’s time for you to stop the self-hatred as it doesn’t lead to growth + fulfillment.
Treat yourself like someone you love – your child, spouse/partner, your best friend.
- As you see all of their best qualities, see yours too.
- As you give them the benefit of doubt, give it to yourself as well.
- As you are compassionate about their flaws, be compassionate about yours as well.
- As you know all their strengths and beauty, know and see yours too.
- As you have their back in hard times, have your own back too.
- As you love all parts of them, love all parts of YOU.
This, my friend, is the pathway toward a fantastic relationship with yourself.
When you have this relationship with you, you will have so much more to give to those you love + like.
You will enjoy your life and have energy to really live this one precious life of yours as you thrive.
Self-hatred is not the pathway, but self-love is the pathway to a better YOU and a better life.

P.S. CLICK HERE for my #1 tool for moving through painful feelings.