You know that friend you’ve known for twenty years, the one you only see once every 1-3 years?
You always think she’s going to tell you how fantastic her life is now, after all these years.
But while time has passed by … she tells you the same sad story about her troubles.
Now the players in her story may be different from year to year … but it’s the same plot every time.
Does this sound familiar to you?
Is that where you want to be next year (or the year after), stuck in the same old story?
None of us do.
But we often get stuck because we don’t know anything about how we got there, which only leads to more stuckness.
Don’t worry about the how. Simply make a decision about what you want. Here are some examples to give you an idea, or heck, pick a different one if it resonates with you …
- Meaningful work.
- A good friend or group of friends.
- Connected relationships with those you love.
- Financial freedom.
- To be ENOUGH in your life, good enough, smart enough, pretty enough …
Next, treat yourself with compassion.
This means committing to being kind to yourself, knowing you aren’t the only one going through this, and refusing to become attached to the horrible things those shame gremlins in the back of your head are saying.
From this compassionate space you can take massive action to achieve what you want!
You stay focused + committed to what you want.
Your mind will try to distract you with opportunities to indulge in what you don’t want, but you must bring your brain right back to what you do want.
Sometimes, when I listen to audiobooks, my brain spirals off the book and plunges deep into my mind. It’s up to me to bring my focus back to the book instead of allowing myself to indulge in those distractions.
I promise you, if you follow these steps …
- Make a decision
- Treat yourself with compassion.
- Focus on what you want
- Commit to what you want
… you will not be the friend of 20 years who, when someone calls you, you roll out the same old sad stories.
Instead, you will be the friend with fantastic and inspiring news. You will love your story and be in a new place in your life + mindset next year.
Want some help writing new stories for the next chapter of your life (and for that next phone call with a friend)? Apply to work with me here.