Perfectionism: The golden handcuffs of life.
You believe that once you finally look perfect, act perfect, and always do perfect that you’ll get the results you want.
This lie of perfectionism only creates more shame … more of those little voices in the back of your head that tell you…
“See, you’re really not good enough.”
“I can try really hard, but I won’t get the results I want anyway.”
Perfection is unattainable. It’s also a great way to beat the crap out of yourself.
Instead, be amazing. Now, you may be thinking that that’s just another impossible mission … but it’s NOT!
See, you’re already amazing … right here, right now. Yes, you have flaws too, we all do, but if you’d only take a moment to look at yourself, what you’re capable of, you’d realize that you’re an amazing creature!
As I practice my own conscious living, I am surprised at the life I live today.
My younger teenage self believed that she was a loser, living on loser street + could never have believed this astonishing life I now live was possible.
Practicing my gratitude I remind myself, I live an amazing life AND there are shit storms everywhere. My life can be amazing … without being perfect.
So, what happens when you realize/accept that you’re amazing and that you have flaws too? Want to find out?
I want to invite you to APPLY to my group coaching program called ENOUGH. It’s time to let go of “perfect” once and for all. Click this link for all the details …