I seem to talk about this over + over + over again.
While we have been culturally programmed to believe it’s nice to people please (AKA – approval whore) it is NOT.
When you edit your thoughts, feelings + values to please someone else, you are not letting others get to know the real you.
Instead you are being who you think they want you to be.
This takes unnecessary time + energy.
This is not fun.
This does not cultivate connections with other people.
And you are telling yourself a subtle yet highly painful and toxic message
“you are not enough as you are, therefore you must be someone else to be accepted and have a place to belong.”
However, this is the LIE.
By editing your thoughts, feelings + values you are not creating a place to belong.
Rather you are hustling for your worthiness and trying desperately to fit in.
You are extremely vulnerable because if people find out who you truly are, you will not fit in.
Instead, express your thoughts, feelings + values as they truly are.
This takes far less time + energy (especially once you have practice).
It’s way more fun to be who you are.
You will develop a relationship with yourself where you like + love you.
When you like + love you … you have more to give others.
By expressing who you are … you will create more authentic + connected relationships.
You will create a place where you belong.
You will cultivate a place where others can also authentically show up.
This will create the connection you desire and were willing to sell yourself out for.
The good news is that you don’t have to edit your thoughts, feelings + values to find your place of belonging.
You just need to be you. Express yourself.
You will create the place of belonging your heart desires.
The bonus … you will also like yourself in the process.
P.S. What’s next to come for you? Having trouble being true to yourself? I can help you with that …