Believing in YOU is vulnerable.
There’s a ton of risk …. what will others think???
We’ve been programmed to not be “too much.”
My friend … believing in yourself is not being too much.
Think about all those little toddlers who believe in themselves.
We adore them.
They believe in their ability to crawl, to walk, to “do it themselves.”
That is what believing in yourself looks like.
And yes, at times they get tired + frustrated and cry.
That’s okay too.
You can’t believe in yourself 100% of the time.
That is setting yourself up to never believe in you.
Because doubt will come in.
When you believe in yourself, you must accept doubt.
And make you think that you are doing it wrong and it’s not possible for you.
Then you’ll want to quit and stop believing.
Let’s learn from toddlers how to go back to believing in ourselves.
Toddlers are willing to fall down. Literally, when they are learning to walk … they fall down.
Toddlers are determined to get back up + try again.
Toddlers continue to fall down and get back up.
Toddlers learn to walk. It’s inevitable.
Believe in yourself the way you used to when you were little.
Believe in yourself and make what you pursue inevitable just like you did when you were a toddler!
P.S. If you want a deep dive on this topic (and many others), take a moment to follow my podcast at Apple Podcasts, and please leave a rating and review!