You want to connect. So do I.
In fact, you and I are hardwired for connection. But we don’t want to be vulnerable or expose ourselves to emotional risk. And vulnerability is the only pathway to connection.
It’s the oldest Catch 22. And also the most painful.
The key is courageous conversations. Saying the one thing you are most afraid to say to the person you are most afraid to say it to.
A courageous conversation is when you tell your wife you will miss her while she is traveling, especially if you suspect that she won’t miss you as much (know that she is excited to go)
When you tell your friend that you don’t want to keep making plans if she is going to keep cancelling or showing up late.
When you ask a colleague to give you feedback or help, even if you’re afraid of seeming incompetent.
If you want to start having courageous conversations, try small ones.
Small hinges can move big doors. What small hinge will you make today in your courageous conversation?