You want to change your life.
You want to like yourself.
You want to work on your personal development.
BUT … you don’t have enough time!
Let’s get to the root cause of not enough time.
“I don’t have enough time” is a limiting belief.
Because you don’t believe you matter there will never be enough time for you to put yourself on your own schedule.
It’s not that you don’t have enough time …it’s that you don’t make yourself a priority in your life.
You figure you’ll take care of you once you’ve taken care of everything else.
There always happens to be more things to take care of before you can get to you.
It’s like you are living Cinderella’s life.
But you are also the evil step-mother too!
Stop telling yourself I don’t have enough time.
Instead tell yourself a new story – I matter!
From this new belief of “I matter” what actions do you take?
Here’s a list of action examples my clients do now from their new belief of I matter.
- Establish priorities for both themselves and those they support in their life.
- Put themselves on their own calendars.
- Take care of themselves.
- Have clarity + focus for what is important to them.
- Remove the stuff that really doesn’t matter or produce value in their lives or those they work with.
- Create the results they want in their life instead of only resentfully creating results for others in their life.
Stop telling yourself I don’t have enough time.
Instead tell yourself I matter.
When you believe this thought you will feel confident. (This may take some practice).
Then take action by making small changes.
The first one, give yourself 10 minutes on your calendar each day.
Remember small hinges can move big doors.
You’ll start creating time for yourself by owning your new story that you matter.
You’ll be amazed at how much more you have to give others both personally + professionally when you make yourself a priority first.
It starts with first you believing in YOU!
P.S. You matter! Help make time for yourself by changing your mindset with the Mindset Journal. Click here!