I am direct.
I’ve learned to be clear.
I ask for what I want.
Last year I was at a swim meet (this is a frequent event in my life).
A parent mentioned to me that her husband offered his office for the swimmers to use as a hang out during the break between trials and finals.
I thought it would be a cool experience for the team to see this father’s work space.
Others were not saying much.
In fact the teens didn’t want to go. They were resistant but I thought it was a good idea.
I asked the father about his offer.
He was hesitant.
I told him “NO” was totally okay.
I was clear. I wanted to go to this space if he was comfortable with his offer.
I was clear that we would need to know what the appropriate boundaries would be so we wouldn’t harm his place of business.
I needed to make the decision soon as the morning session was coming to an end.
He agreed that yes we could go to his space.
I informed our swimmers and parents.
The swimmers complained at first until they understood that this would be a great space to do their homework over the 4-hour break. Resistance turned to excitement.
I was glad the father offered his space and that we accepted his offer.
I am grateful I was direct otherwise we would not have had this experience.
I am sure you are familiar with these kind of situations as you’ve experienced them too.
But my friend, you cannot let lack of directness get in the way of a potential opportunity.
I had to go through discomfort.
I had to be brave.
I was direct.
I was clear.
I asked for the boundaries.
We had a nice break for a few hours + an experience that many kids will remember.
Go be direct.
It’s worth it!
Don’t miss out!